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At Your Convenience

“At Your Convenience” is the official podcast of CSP Daily News and CSP magazine. Exploring the hottest trends, issues and news in convenience retailing.

Retail Today

From the editors of CSP Daily News and Supermarket News comes Retail Daily, a podcast that serves up a quick daily download of the top industry stories from supermarkets and c-stores.

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Regulation & Legislation

The FTC Signals a Tougher Stance on Franchising, For Now

Agency’s recent comments represented some of its toughest regulatory moves on franchising in years, but the election might have a say in it

Regulation & Legislation

12 Big Complaints Franchisees Have With Franchising

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently listed some of the biggest concerns franchisees expressed during public comments last year.

Company News

Analysis: Is the Economic Heatwave Finally Breaking?

Signs point toward inflation’s end, but questions remain

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Special Reports

Convenience-store chain founder Mike LaVitola says growth in number of vendors ‘was very unsustainable…led to a lot of the problems'

Sometimes business clarity comes from a near-death experience like bankruptcy

QT Pay customers at select locations can save 25 cents off per gallon of fuel through c-store retailer’s mobile app promotion

Artisan Partners says it is imperative that the convenience-store operator negotiates with Circle K’s owner ‘immediately’

Policies are just more prohibitionist-type regulations, NATO says

Retailer partners with Buffalo Outdoors on clothing featuring logos and designs of all 32 National Football League teams