Paul Reuter

Founder and former CEO, CSP...

Articles by
Paul Reuter

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CSP Magazine

Embracing Traditions

As the final sighs of 2010 breathed fresh life into 2011, 7-Eleven had just acquired nearly 200 stores; the Federal Reserve moved to cap debit-card swipe fees; the FDA acknowledged that morbid graphics on cigarettes will do little good to deter smoking; and our c-store channel continued to demonstrate its resilience against a languishing economy.

CSP Magazine

Our Industry Resolutions

This is about the time I ask myself: So how are those reso­lutions coming along?

A few weeks ago I spent a day with about 17 other volunteers in Washington, D.C., talking about the importance of what’s going on in our nation’s capital and the work NACSPAC does. It was ...

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that storms “put a damper on retail in January.” Overall sales rose 0.3 % that month, the smallest gain since last June.

Over the past month, I have been asking retailers how business looks down the road. The answer? Not so good!

It’s great to have our longtime friend and industry “scholar” Dick Meyer contributing another thought provoking column in this issue.

Gilliam & Co. is an independent research and advisory firm that specializes in retail and selected consumer products.

One of the biggest game changers for CSP happened 10 years ago, when we pioneered Web communication in this industry by launching CSP Daily News.

In the early years, the industry was much smaller and intimate. It was about a host of personalities who pioneered convenience retailing.

Personal condolences and gratitude to the West family on the death of their son

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