electronic cigarettes


No Proposal to Ban E-Cigarette Sales Online: FDA

No Proposal to Ban E-Cigarette Sales Online: FDA; Regulators clarify earlier report


FDA to Ban Online Sales of E-Cigarettes?

FDA to Ban Online Sales of E-Cigarettes? Proposal could be a boon to traditional retailers

NATO Takes Action on Canton, Mass. and Vero Beach, Fla. Local Ordinances

Massachusetts Next to Limit E-Cigarette Sales? Proposal would ban sale to consumers younger than 18

NYC Mayor Proposes to Extend Display, Coupon, Flavored Tobacco Bans to E-Cigarettes

Canton, Mass., Seeks to Ban E-Cigarettes and Certain Smokeless Products

Keys to 'Big Electronic' Success; Herzog predicts room for private players, even as Big Tobacco enters the e-cig game

LOGIC's New President: E-Cigs 'Incredible Opportunity'; Former Altria VP discusses appeal of new segment, entrance of 'Big Tobacco' into the space

LOGIC Hires Altria Alum as New President; Martin signs on to help oversee booming e-cig brand

The Pantry Stocking Mistic; Deal will bring Ballantyne Brands' e-cigs to more than 1,500 Kangaroo Express stores

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