

Camel Crush Gets Bold

R.J. Reynolds goes national with first line extension in three years; releases Q2 earnings


Lorillard CEO Reports 'Darned Good Year'

Sales of Newport Non-Menthol "way above" expectations

Has sued 212 New York retailers for selling fake Marlboro cigarettes

Following Lorillard, Altria increases per-pack price on all cigarette brands

R.J. Reynolds and Altria Client Services execs examine why public policy issues matter to you and your business

Raises prices on Newport brands; other tobacco companies expected to follow suit

Dillard, Briant, Wilkey, Loope slated for Tobacco Festival & Conference

La. class-action judgment ordered cigarette cos. to fund smoking cessation program

Center for Tobacco Products conducting "extensive preliminary analysis" before peer review

Governor lets budget, which includes reduction, become law without his signature

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