CSP Magazine

General Merchandise: Personal Care 2014

Convenience store sales data for health and beauty care (HBC) products: toothpaste, soap, sanitary napkins, condoms, lip care, toilet tissue and more.

CSP Magazine

General Merchandise: Retailer Perspective 2014

A Q&A about general merchandise sales with Matt Paduano, vice president of category management, Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes

2013 convenience store sales data for pain relievers, energy shots, over-the-counter drugs, weight-control products, vitamins and more.

Continued foodservice growth drove increase; motor fuel sales also reached new highs

Recognizes Prestige Packaging for quality, value, service achievements

Give the customer what they want. It’s a fairly simple mantra that covers just about everything in the c-store, from candy to chips, motor oil to milk. It becomes an even more vital rule of thumb when you consider the complex HBC category. The vast diversity of products often makes stocking and merchandising a complicated venture.

Year-end data shows the dip in energy-shot sales continued for a 2nd year.

Decline of cold/allergy/sinus tablets/packets begins to slow, down 3.5% in 2013.

Promotes HBC veteran to chief merchandising officer

Lip balm sales continue to dip in convenience stores, down 2.7% in 2013.

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