

FDA Updates Import Alert on Illegal E-Cigarettes

The full list of products now includes Chinese manufacturers, distributors


FDA Seeks Fines Against 10 Retailers for Selling Unauthorized E-Cigarettes

9 brick-and-mortar businesses and 1 online retailer fined $20,678 each for carrying Elf Bar

Cigarette sales declined 3.3% year-over-year in the convenience-store channel

Hot, cold dispensed beverages saw highest year-over-year growth in convenience stores

The prohibition of tobacco sales based on birthdate ‘threaten civil liberties,’ association says

Tobacco company also re-submits PMTAs for blueberry, watermelon pod products

5 documents focus on internal roles, responsibilities and processes related to premarket tobacco product application review

John Verbeten will assume his new role starting June 16

Submitted by Philip Morris Products S.A., products include IQOS devices

Agency says that it will file the next status report with the court by July 22

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